This is The Society of Literacy and Bananas! Association! We are a group of writers aiming to do a podcast by teens, for teens (or any age of writer, for that matter). Below are our most recent 'casts -- for past updates, please check out the Archives. Feel free to contact us with show ideas, personal stories, an answer to our weekly challenge, or just to tell us you love us ^_^

Monday, October 8, 2001

Kat!e ~ Sample Writing

The Story of Reginald Alcott
Book One
Leaping before Looking

This is the story of an idiot. A story, I mean to say, about a dunderhead, who got himself thoroughly stuck in the soup and took an abnormally long time to get himself out.

It's a story about why you should never push girls into bushes. It's the story of a man who asked the same woman to marry him six times, before-- well, maybe I should just tell you the story?

As you may have guessed, this is a story about me. Name's Reginald Alcott. Friends call me Reggie. At the beginning of our story, approximately one and a half people called me Reggie. Well, I suppose Mary Lou did too -- but she doesn't count, she's just a girl.