This is The Society of Literacy and Bananas! Association! We are a group of writers aiming to do a podcast by teens, for teens (or any age of writer, for that matter). Below are our most recent 'casts -- for past updates, please check out the Archives. Feel free to contact us with show ideas, personal stories, an answer to our weekly challenge, or just to tell us you love us ^_^

Thursday, October 4, 2001

Character Quirks

Interesting character quirks:

  • can put people to sleep with a thought
  • is immune to the effects of toxins, drugs, poisons, etc.
  • doesn't eat green things
  • can make people say what he wants them to
  • can eat/drink as much food/drink as is available, with no adverse effects
  • regularly looks up to check the position of the sun/moon... and comments on it
  • always stands with hands behind back
  • overly-honest, ALWAYS tells the truth
  • compulsive liar
  • can replicate any sound flawlessly
  • is a shape-shifter
  • dots i's with hearts or smiley-faces
  • never takes others' advice, because thinks he knows everything
  • is never seen without a hat
  • everything he says is a misquote
  • knows who the last five people to touch an item were
  • ends declarative sentences with interrogative inflection?
  • always moving (tapping, snapping, bouncing, etc.)
  • is able to see through others' eyes
  • can walk two inches above the ground
  • can't be cut or burned
  • is able to locate any person he has seen face-to-face
  • is terrified of kittens
  • screams randomly and for no reason
  • is not burned by fire

You are more than welcome to use these. I stole them from someone else anyways...

Oh, and Writing Excuses does a wonderful podcast on this: WE 5.2: Character Quirks