- can put people to sleep with a thought
- is immune to the effects of toxins, drugs, poisons, etc.
- doesn't eat green things
- can make people say what he wants them to
- can eat/drink as much food/drink as is available, with no adverse effects
- regularly looks up to check the position of the sun/moon... and comments on it
- always stands with hands behind back
- overly-honest, ALWAYS tells the truth
- compulsive liar
- can replicate any sound flawlessly
- is a shape-shifter
- dots i's with hearts or smiley-faces
- never takes others' advice, because thinks he knows everything
- is never seen without a hat
- everything he says is a misquote
- knows who the last five people to touch an item were
- ends declarative sentences with interrogative inflection?
- always moving (tapping, snapping, bouncing, etc.)
- is able to see through others' eyes
- can walk two inches above the ground
- can't be cut or burned
- is able to locate any person he has seen face-to-face
- is terrified of kittens
- screams randomly and for no reason
- is not burned by fire
You are more than welcome to use these. I stole them from someone else anyways...
Oh, and Writing Excuses does a wonderful podcast on this: WE 5.2: Character Quirks
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