We must apologize for the sound quality on this 'cast. All we can do about it is promise to improve in the future. We're still figuring out a lot of our sound equipment and things -- but don't worry, we'll get it. For now, you can enjoy our homey feel.
In This Episode:
We mention that the third Hunger Games book (Mockingjay) recently came out
Bai obsesses over And Then There Were None, mentioning it when we're talking about "the best-written book ever"
Kat!e fangirls over Alcatraz Verses the Shattered Lens (except calls it "the Shattered Glass" by accident...), which comes out December 1 ... "This is part four of [Alcatraz's] story. Otherwise known as 'The part where everything goes wrong, and then Alcatraz has a cheese sandwich.'"
All get excited over Harry Potter 7 movie coming out in November
Bai and Cristianna faun over Draco Malfoy for some reason -- what do you think?
Bai and Kat!e look forward to the Timpanogas Storytelling Festival
Kat!e gets all excited over the chance to see LDS musician Cheri Call
P. G. Wodehouse gets credited as Kat!e's favorite author
Kat!e talks about how Fablehaven two (Rise of the Evening Star) was like a video game -- meaning it as a compliment, since she likes video games
And here's the Brenda Ueland quote, since Kat!e kind of botched it:
"Imagination needs moodling- long, inefficient, happy idling, dawdling, and puttering"
Kat!e mentions Sophie Fisher's great methods of getting ideas in Music and Lyrics
All the way through, we all talk about writing prompts, and Kat!e suggests Dragon Writing Prompts specifically
No one else had heard of this commercial Kat!e was talking about:
Kat!e accidentally brings up Doctor Who, and quickly steers the conversation away, since she knew that if she started talking about it this would have turned into a Doctor Who podcast instead of a writing podcast... but, come on, we were talking about a broken time machine! and then Cristianna was talking about hitting it with something -- like a mallet!
Dangit, now this post is turning out to be about Doctor Who! Changing subject...
Speaking of time machines: Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure
Kat!e uses the word convalescent when she meant convoluted
Kat!e mentions Adventures in Babysitting ... which she's never seen
Where do you get ideas? Is there someplace completely random from which you got a brilliant idea? Let us know (at literacybananas@gmail.com)
- Write a story where a banana is your Main Character
- Make a list of random ideas, then find a way to combine them
- Do a writing prompt every day for a week
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